Case 38: Immediate placement implant and immediate loading in esthetic zone.

Case 38: Immediate placement implant and immediate loading in esthetic zone.

Here is a situation where there was a fractured upper anterior 2.2 and the patient was in marketing field and wanted an immediate replacement for his esthetics. On CBCT analysis, adequate labial plate was present along with good periapical bone for an immediate implant.

Considering the patient's requirements, Either an immediate loaded provisional or a maryland or provisional with essix was planned. Salvaging the tooth with post and core was not an ideal option and after discussing the pros and cons of all the options, we decided to go with immediate implant.

The sequence here involves an atraumatic extraction of 2.2 under local anesthesia and drilling the osteotomy for implant in such a way that we engage a minimum of 3-5 mm of apical bone.

In this case the root length embeded in the bone was approximately 10 mm and hence a 14mm long implant was planned with Straumann system.

Good primary stability was achieved and a non functional provisional was done by torqueing an abutment and a luxatemp provisionals was carried out.

This case was done by me at Parasu Dental Hospital, Chennai


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