Case 23: Guided Implant surgery + Grafting and membrane- Delayed loading

Case 23: Guided Implant surgery + Grafting and membrane- Delayed loading

Guided surgery in dental implantology is a boon with so much precision and the ease with which the surgery can be performed. This case is a complex rehabilitation involving, extraction of remaining root stumps in 1.2 and 1.3. After CBCT analysis and careful planning we decided to go ahead with guided implant placement after extraction of 1.2 and 1.3 under local anesthesia along with necessary xenograft for the jumping distance followed by a collage membrane.

two implants by Dio-navi system were planned and the 3d printed surgical guide which was tooth supported was fabricated.

After the extraction of root stumps were carried out atraumatically by the use of periotomes, the 3d guide is fitted and checked for its accurate positioning. Once assessed the sequential osteotomy preparation for the implant placement is carried out. Then the implants are inserted into the prepared osteotomy site. Later to assess the jumping distance and the deficiency which needed xenograft fill at the site was assessed after a quadrangular flap raise. Firstly the membrane is held in position with necessary tacs and then the site is filled with the graft material. Once completed, healing collars are placed and left for healing for a span of 6 months before going ahead with the prosthesis.

This case was done by me at Parasu Dental Hospital, Chennai


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