Case 26: Immediate Implant Placement Along with GBR and Use of Extracted tooth as Provisional

Case 26: Immediate Implant Placement Along with GBR and Use of Extracted tooth as Provisional

Provisionalisation techniques in implant cases are many. This case was a challenging one which involved, Extraction and Immediate implant placement in 1.1. The tooth had a vertical fracture and required extraction. The patient was given the option of implants as well as FPD. After CBCT analysis it was decided to be rehabilitated with Extraction and Immediate implant placement.

One might observe the occlusal wear pattern in the incisal edge and that was one majore reason why the implant was not immediately loaded. Additionally, the jumping distance on the labial aspect shows a site for definite GBR and a limitation for immediate loading. Ideally an autogenous bone graft is considered the best. In this case Bio-oss xenograft was used and Bio-guide resorbable membrane was used to complete the GBR.

After completion of the suturing, the patient's own natural teeth was shaped and trimmed to fit to the edentulous site and the tooth surface was etched for bonding a fibre between the retainer teeth on either side with flowable composite to the extracted tooth. However, such temporaries might have the advantage of achieving the best esthetics, but their longevity is questionable.

This case was done by me at Parasu Dental Hospital, Chennai


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