Case 31: Full mouth rehabilitation- Reorganised approach
Case 31: Full mouth rehabilitation- Reorganised approach
When the vertical dimension is collapsed, Occlusion is haywire and leads to so many TMD related issues. The sequence for this case was done with Hobos Twin stage technique. So the sequence involves, Diagnostic impression, facebow transfer, centric relation record, diagnostic mock up, a trial run, full mouth preparation, definitive impression, facebow record, centric bite at the established VD, and completion of the case. Thats the entire sequence followed for this case.
This patient had a collapsed vertical dimension and a centric record along with facebow transfer as mentioned above was recorded. Combination of full arch PFM crowns along with a maxillary cast partial denture was planned.
With hobo's twin stage technique I wanted to achieve a canine guided occlusion. The whole concept rests on the disocclusion of posteriors during eccentric where the canine guides the occlusion.
Rest of the sequence are self explainable with the sequence of photographs as follows.
This case was done by me at Parasu Dental Hospital, Chennai.
When the vertical dimension is collapsed, Occlusion is haywire and leads to so many TMD related issues. The sequence for this case was done with Hobos Twin stage technique. So the sequence involves, Diagnostic impression, facebow transfer, centric relation record, diagnostic mock up, a trial run, full mouth preparation, definitive impression, facebow record, centric bite at the established VD, and completion of the case. Thats the entire sequence followed for this case.
This patient had a collapsed vertical dimension and a centric record along with facebow transfer as mentioned above was recorded. Combination of full arch PFM crowns along with a maxillary cast partial denture was planned.
With hobo's twin stage technique I wanted to achieve a canine guided occlusion. The whole concept rests on the disocclusion of posteriors during eccentric where the canine guides the occlusion.
Rest of the sequence are self explainable with the sequence of photographs as follows.
This case was done by me at Parasu Dental Hospital, Chennai.