Case 51: Anterior Esthetic Zone Implants - Immediate

Anterior esthetic zones are challenging. It requires proper planning and execution. In this case we see an endodontically treated 11 that fractured. 11 has a non esthetic PFM crown. The case was planned for an immediate implant with GBR and delayed loaded prosthesis. After the extraction and immediate placement, the jumping distance was grafted with Allograft cortico cancellous bone Osteo-oss and primary closure achieved with an RTM Collagen barrier used. After 5 months tissue training was carried out with a provisional screw retained temporary. Once the desired esthetic profile was achieved, final definitive Itero Scan was performed using scan body and Custom staining and shade match was done to match and achieve the desired esthetics. This case was carried out by me at Eastview Dental, Barrie, Ontario