MYOFACIAL PAIN DYSFUNCTION SYNDROME Temporomandibular joint disorders are among the most misdiagnosed and mistreated disorders in medicine. Though, a lot of research is constantly being carried out, TMJ problems raise many question, some of which remain unanswered or debatable, because of the complex nature of this joint. MPDS is a pain disorder, in which unilateral pain is referred from the trigger points in myofacial structures, to the muscles of the head and neck. Pain is constant, dull in nature, in contrast to the sudden sharp, shooting, intermittent pain of neuralgias (chronic pain).But the pain may range from mild to intolerable. SYMPTOMS MPDS exhibits varied symptoms. One particular patient may complain of all the various symptoms, whereas in another patient only a single symptom may be present. THE MOST COMMON SYMPTOMS ARE: • Headaches • Earaches • Tenderness in the jaws • Dry mouth • Fatigue • clicking or popping sound in the jaws • Neck or shoulder pain • Dizziness and ligh...